Bill Post
Mr. Post retired as chair and chief executive officer of Pinnacle West Capital Corporation (Pinnacle West) in April 2009. He joined Arizona Public Service (the largest subsidiary of Pinnacle West) in 1973 and held several officer positions at Arizona Public Service and Pinnacle West. Mr. Post joined the boards of Arizona Public Service in 1995 and Pinnacle West in 1997. Mr. Post became chair of both boards in 2001 and retired in April 2010. He is currently chair of the board of the Translational Genomics Research Institute and serves on the boards of directors of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona and the City of Hope. Mr. Post has served as chair of Swift Transportation, SunCor Development Company, Stagg Information Systems, Nuclear Assurance Corporation, Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, and El Dorado Investment Company. He also served as a director of Phelps Dodge Corporation and U.S. Airways. In addition to his long-standing service as a member of the Center for the Future of Arizona Board, Mr. Post serves as chair of the boards of the Business Coalition, Greater Phoenix Leadership, Greater Phoenix Economic Council, Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, and the United Way Campaign. He is currently chair of the Arizona State University Enterprise Partners Foundation. Mr. Post has a Bachelor of Science degree from Arizona State University. Mr. Post has received numerous awards and honors, including the National Americanism Award from the Anti-Defamation League, the Arizona State Heritage Award, and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Northern Arizona University.