This month’s issue features new information on the Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards, an update to the Arizona Health & Well-Being Progress Meter, exciting developments for Arizona’s future, and more. |
51% of Arizona voters do not feel Arizona’s elected officials are focused on the issues that matter most to them |
In a new survey fielded April 4-11 by OH Predictive Analytics, only 23% of voters agree that elected leaders in our state are focused on the issues that matter most to them (while 51% Disagree and 26% Unknown). And only 25% agree that elected leaders in our state, specifically the Arizona Legislature and Governor, are working across party lines to develop solutions to problems that matter most to them (while 48% Disagree and 27% Unknown).
WHY IT MATTERS When asked about their priorities for Arizona, voters across the political spectrum are more united than divided about what is important to our state’s future. They also prefer leaders to work across the aisle and want solutions that create the Arizona they want. Yet the majority doesn’t believe their leaders are acting in alignment with these views. This indicates that our elected leaders can do more to find common ground and move forward on the priorities of Arizonans. |
These Elections are a Formative Experience for Long-Term Civic Participation
Roosevelt School District completed its first year of School Participatory Budgeting! |
Arizona students are developing and wielding the power of their voice and vote while improving their campus communities through School Participatory Budgeting (SPB). This academic year, students from Chandler, Queen Creek, and Roosevelt school districts gained hands-on experience in addressing community needs through the democratic process. To determine how they will allocate real budgets for school improvement projects, students gathered ideas from across their campuses, conducted research in collaboration with school and district staff, and campaigned for the projects on their ballots. And now, SPB Vote Days are upon us! These are campus-wide elections in which students cast their votes to decide which projects will be funded.
Join us in celebrating student voice in 2022-23:
Kindergarteners learn democracy by doing! Roosevelt School District (RSD) is the first elementary school district in the state to adopt the SPB initiative. Nine schools participated in the pilot, engaging students as young as Kindergarten to cast their vote to improve their schools! |
Students at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School proudly voted for their preferred campus improvement projects. |
34 Student-led projects funded! K-12 students voted to fund campus improvement projects, including playground equipment, seating for student gathering spaces, bathroom upgrades, and more.
For Eastmark High School in Queen Creek Unified School District, school pride was a top priority. In their fourth SPB year, Eastmark students voted to increase school spirit and morale with a new outfit for their mascot. A contest to officially name the mascot is also underway!
Second-grade students at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School took the responsibility of including their youngest peers to heart and ensured an accessible voting process for all, including Kindergarteners. |
208 students registered to vote at Casteel High School in Chandler Unified School District! |
At SPB Vote Days, eligible and interested students can register to vote for future elections with Deputy Registrars from the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office. To date, more than 6,000 students have been registered through SPB Vote Days!
School Participatory Budgeting in Arizona is a collaboration between CFA, Arizona State University Participatory Governance Initiative (PGI), and over 60 school partners across the state that prepares young people to be more informed, empowered and engaged in civic life. Interested in bringing the SPB initiative to your campus or community? Contact our team! |
The Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy Kicks Off CFA, Pima Community College, and the Aspen Institute officially launched the Southern Arizona Workforce Leadership Academy with 21 Fellows at an opening retreat in Tucson on April 18-20. The three-day session provided an opportunity for connection and professional leadership development, and it introduced aspects that will be explored deeply throughout the program, including leveraging systems thinking to enhance regional workforce development and utilizing data to inform decision-making.
Over the next eight months, these senior-level professionals will continue learning and collaborating, and create strategic recommendations for advancing workforce development in Southern Arizona. We look forward to sharing more as the Academy progresses!
Arizona Healthcare Workforce Summit - Creating Connections and Pathways to Collaboration In partnership with Banner Health Plans and The Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association (AzHHA), CFA hosted the first Arizona Healthcare Workforce Summit at Creighton University’s Health Sciences Campus in Phoenix on March 31. To strengthen efforts advancing education & training, recruitment, and retention of healthcare professionals in Arizona, the summit brought together leaders from across the state to share ideas, connect, and build collaboration channels.
Thank you to all Arizona Healthcare Workforce Summit partners & speakers, including Banner Health Plans, Arizona Hospital and Healthcare Association, Vitalyst Health Foundation, Arizona Nurses Association, Arizona State Board of Nursing, Healthy Arizona Workforce Coalition, Arizona Action Coalition, AHCCCS, Pipeline AZ, Arizona Western College, Arizona State University, Arizona Apprenticeship Office, and Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs. |
For Arizona to remain competitive, we must work together to retain our young talent, build career pathways that support economic mobility, and address critical workforce needs. With an influx of funding to address statewide healthcare workforce development and many initiatives underway, the Summit was designed to facilitate strategic collaboration and maximize our collective awareness and impact.
The day focused on discussing healthcare workforce development projects across Arizona – delving into their focus, strategies, intended outcomes, current needs, and sustainability. Attendees were able to identify ways to assist and support others’ efforts, and we established a statewide Arizona Healthcare Workforce Catalogue to support continued cooperation.
Our CFA team left inspired, motivated, and proud to work alongside many dedicated partners striving for a better future. Together we’re strengthening Arizona’s workforce and advancing economic opportunity for all. Learn more and get involved in this ongoing effort.
An Arizona Gives Day for the Record Books Thank you to all who participated in Arizona Gives Day in 2023! Over $3.8 million was raised for 875 nonprofits throughout the state, including CFA. In fact, it was our most successful campaign, measured by donors engaged and total gifts, since we started participating in 2018. We are deeply grateful for every investment in Arizona’s future. This newsletter is a great way to keep in touch with how your contributions make an impact! |
Arizonans want to enjoy good health, live in healthy communities, and have access to affordable healthcare and wellness resources.
The Arizona Progress Meters help measure and report how our state is doing on the things that matter most to Arizonans. The Arizona Health and Well-Being Progress Meter tracks health-related inputs, outcomes, and the overall health of the state. CFA released an update to the current standings with recent data from the CDC Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). The new data indicate a range of changes to Arizonans' health conditions and outcomes. Mental health concerns are rising, while asthma, obesity, and hypertension rates remain steady.
Explore the Arizona Health and Well-Being Progress Meter to learn more about how our state is doing.
Help Recognize Arizona’s Community Builders, Emerging Leaders, and Civic Leaders Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards Nomination Deadline Extended to May 5
The nomination window has been extended for the 2023 Gabe Zimmerman Public Service Awards, which means you still have time to recognize the contributions of non-elected public servants in your community! Be part of this effort to celebrate the hard work and dedication of fellow Arizonans committed to making a positive difference for our state.
The award recipients will be recognized during the summer conference for the Arizona City and County Management Association (ACMA) in Tucson in July. Review the award criteria and submit your nominations before May 5 to ensure deserving individuals are considered.
Center for the Future of Arizona brings Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for our state.
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541 E. Van Buren, Suite B-5, Phoenix, AZ 85004 Copyright © 2023 Center for the Future of Arizona. All rights reserved.