News Stories
Navajo County Teens Empowered Through CFA’s Virtual Internship Program to Create Youth-Driven Mental Health Solution
High-Quality Virtual Internships Engage Rural Youth and Catalyze Long-Term Leadership Opportunities
2024 in Review: Empowering a Competitive Workforce for Arizona
2024 In Review: Bridging Gaps Through Collaboration - Expanding Career Pathways and Building Arizona's Healthcare Workforce
2024 in Review: Strengthening Arizona’s Civic Health
Providing Value to Arizonans: The Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation Invests in Opportunities
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Health & Wellbeing
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Fair, Just, And Equitable Systems
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Civic Engagement and Leadership
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Immigration Reform
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Environment and Sustainable Future
Arizona’s Record-Breaking Summer and the Urgent Call for Action
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Education
Arizona Horizon: Arizona Shared Public Values - Jobs and Economic Opportunity
Arizona Horizon:
Where do Arizona voters stand on key issues?
Survey: Many Arizona voters think candidates are out of touch on most important issues
How 2023 Paved the Way for Another Year of Innovation in Arizona
KJZZ 91.5: Polls show Arizonans agree on most big issues. The politicians who represent them don't
250+ U.S. Educators, Leaders Gather in Arizona to Accelerate Adoption of Personalized, Competency-Based Learning
Arizona students are helping to decide school budgets. In the process, they are learning about democracy
Bridging Gaps Between Education and Employment
CFA hosts first Healthcare Workforce Summit & Apprenticeship Accelerator in Yuma
Arizona Horizon:
Celebrating 20 years of Center for the Future of Arizona
Center for the Future of Arizona's Sybil Francis
Phoenix Business Journal: Most Admired Leaders, Sybil Francis Named Lifetime Achievement Winner
If You Gave Elementary School Students $2K, How Would They Spend It?
How Standards-Based Grading Is Empowering Arizona Students to Own Their Education
Kuhlmann & Taylor: Inside a 3-year experiment to rethink grading and student achievement through the lens of personalized & competency-based learning.
Tucson Students Inform Community Action
Participatory budgeting success in schools is trickling up to the municipal level
Phoenix Business Journal: CFA Named 2022 Best Places to Work Finalist
KTAR The Think Tank: Sybil Francis joins Mike O'Neil to discuss the results of the Arizona Voters' Agenda survey
KTAR Arizona’s Morning News: Sybil Francis shares data on the Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey findings about how likely voters feel about the election.
Arizona Capitol Times: Most Arizona voters say elections are fair and secure
New poll clarifies issues Arizonans care about ahead of the mid-terms
Why voters aren’t as polarized as they seem
Arizona voters say they’re flustered with the narrative of the state being polarized and divided. Recent polls show voters want candidates who are willing to compromise
The Think Tank Host Mike O'Neil discuses the Arizona Voter's Agenda with Sybil Francis and Paul Bentz
What matters to Arizona voters might surprise you
Innovating Arizona’s Education Model to Meet the Needs of Individual Students
Recent legislation has supported efforts to advance student-centered learning in Arizona
KJZZ The Show: Sybil Francis' interview with Steve Goldstein on Arizona Voters’ Agenda
Arizona Horizon: What do voters want?
Supporter Spotlight: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
An Arizona Champion, SRPMIC has consistently invested in CFA’s Beat the Odds School Leadership Academy for 16+ years totaling over $1 million in support
CFA To Bring High Impact Civic Education Initiative to Students Statewide Thanks to Support from The Steele Foundation
Actions Advancing The Arizona We Want
Strengthening Arizona’s Workforce to Build The Arizona We Want
The Education We Want for the Future of Arizona with Amanda Burke
ASU News: Innovative Civics Program to be Honored with President's Medal for Social Embeddednes
Morning Scoop: Does Arizona Have a Sustainable Future?
KJZZ 91.5:
Pandemic Spurs Arizona Workers To Seek Higher-Quality Jobs
Morning Scoop: What's Next for Expanding Healthcare in Arizona?
Still waiting to get vaccinated? We won't shame you. But please hear this good news.
Arizona's Beat the Odds principal training program proves "leadership matters"
Arizona Survey Finds Consensus in Politically Divided State
Frontdoors Magazine
10 Questions with Sybil Francis, President & CEO of the Center for the Future of Arizona
Survey finds education, immigration reform are priorities for Arizonans
ASU-sponsored poll also reveals agreement on expanding access to voting
'The Arizona We Want' Survey Shows Pandemic's Impact On Arizonans' Aspirations
Bill gives schools flexibility in meeting needs of each student
GALLUP: Value of Medical Messengers Seen in Arizona Poll on Vaccines
School Leadership is Critical to Arizona’s Future Success
STORY OF IMPACT: School Participatory Budgeting
CFA pilot program at Carson Jr. High School is a model for inclusive student engagement
KJZZ 91.5:
What do younger Arizonans want and need to make this state their home?
New collaboration seeks to transform the way teaching and learning is done in Arizona schools
Phoenix Business Journal:
Thousands of new data points to help direct Arizona's future on jobs, economy and more
Broadening the Path:
Design Principles for Middle Grades CTE
Arizona Horizon:
Participatory Budgeting in Schools Growing to 40K Students
Arizona Capitol Times Morning Scoop: Broadband Expansion in AZ
KJZZ 91.5:
Sybil Francis: Beat The Odds Leadership Academy Offers Intensive Training For Arizona School Principals
Arizona Horizon:
Beat The Odds Leadership Academy
KJZZ 91.5:
CFA's Young Talent Advisers speak about "Keeping Young Professionals in Arizona"
Beat The Odds School Leadership Academy Prepares Pinal County School Leaders for Sustained Success
Possible Futures in Action
Participatory Budgeting in Arizona: Reaching More Schools, More Students in fourth Year
NRF Foundation’s RISE Up Program Accepted by Arizona Department of Education for Use in High Schools and Career Training Centers
Empowering school leaders:
CFA provides executive leadership training for northern Arizona principals