We know that we need the engagement of our whole communities, residents and leaders working together to fully realize the Arizona We Want. A key issue of concern among young Arizonans was having elected leadership who represented Arizonans’ values and were focused on the future. More data is needed to illuminate how responsive our elected leaders are to Arizonans, but these insights from young Arizonans help to tell the story:
What Young Arizonans Said
"All voices of Arizona should be heard in meetings. That is the only way to grow as a state and to hear things from diverse generations to gain new trains of thought."
"Quality bi-partisan leadership is critical."
"Arizona thinks in the short term. Policy is oriented to the older people in the state who vote. Younger people don't vote as much, which is an issue itself that deserves a more dedicated forum. Arizona needs to elect officials who act for all Arizonans and Arizona's future."
There are no measures identified for this topic, though it was identified as important for Arizona’s young people.