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Home News & Events InBusiness Magazine: Sybil Francis Recognized as Woman of Achievement

InBusiness Magazine: Sybil Francis Recognized as Woman of Achievement

Posted on January 01, 2020 • Category: Awards and Features

InBusiness Magazine

In spite of the fact that study after study concludes that businesses with women in the C-suites do better than those without, we are still on the road to universal parity. And in spite of proven achievement, women are, in many ways, still pioneering. Toward an end when, someday, women will not be singled out as a separate population, In Business Magazine celebrates the success of women in business in our community.

This issue presents our 2020 Women of Achievement — 14 women who have each proven her involvement in our business community and her connection to doing good for our community while demonstrating leadership in achieving success in business. Bringing their diverse backgrounds and strengths, they help bind and support the greater community, attesting to the collective achievement of women in business.

To honor and celebrate these women, we present on the following pages profiles of our honorees, in which they share their stories in their own words so that we can get to know them. And they will share the spotlight again at our Women of Achievement virtual event on Oct. 28 in a unique format that combines live broadcast with an individually catered lunch. We also honor Sharon Harper, this month’s Guest Editor, as this year’s recipient of the Linda M. Herold Lifetime Achievement Award.

Please meet our 2020 Women of Achievement:

Laura Capello, President & CEO, Big Brothers Big Sisters
Cara Christ, M.D., Director, Arizona Department of Health Services
Sherri Collins, Executive Director, Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Lisa Dancsok, Chief Brand & Impact Officer, Arizona Community Foundation
Frances Ducar, President, Healthcare Solutions Centers
Sybil Francis, President & CEO, Center for the Future of Arizona
Rachel Frazier Johnson, Principal & Managing Partner, Rachel Frazier Johnson Law 
Angela Hughey, Co-Founder & President, ONE Community
Chevy Humphrey, President & CEO, Arizona Science Center
Christine Mackay, Community and Economic Development Director, City of Phoenix
Jenny Poon, Founder & CEO, CO-HOOTS
Eileen Rogers, Leadership & Life Coach, One Creative View
Lisa Urias, President & CEO, Urias Communications
Jeri Williams, Police Chief , City of Phoenix

Lifetime Achievement Award:

Sharon Harper, Chairman & CEO, Plaza Companies