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Home News & Events Large Majority of Arizona Voters Want Bipartisan Solutions to Border Crisis; Immigration Reform

Large Majority of Arizona Voters Want Bipartisan Solutions to Border Crisis; Immigration Reform

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda findings highlight that the majority of Arizona’s likely voters seek practical solutions for a priority issue that is less divisive among the public than commonly believed
Posted on May 13, 2024 • Category: News Release

Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA), a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization with a mission of bringing Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for the state, released findings today from its Arizona Voters’ Agenda related to the topic of immigration. From survey research of likely Republican, Democratic, and independent/unaffiliated voters of all ages, the Voters’ Agenda identifies where voters agree on critical topics and those they would like to hear discussed by candidates as they campaign for office. Most notably regarding immigration, the data show that most Arizona voters seek and support practical solutions to address significant challenges.

Immigration, specifically related to the southern border in Arizona, is one of the most talked-about topics in the state. The recent Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey confirms that voters across the political spectrum view it as a top issue. An overwhelming majority agree on the need for immigration reform that creates a pathway to citizenship, facilitates commerce, and addresses the influx of migrants at the southern border, which Arizonans perceive as an international humanitarian crisis.

"Despite the narrative that frames immigration as a highly partisan issue, the sentiments of Arizona voters tell a different story. Across party lines, there's a broad consensus on the priorities that need attention and a strong desire for leaders to collaborate and craft solutions that address immigration in a comprehensive way," said Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA. "Our research provides clear data pointing to specific areas where the ongoing discussions and debates on immigration should focus to address and advance the priorities of voters effectively."

Overall, 89% of Arizona voters believe “immigration reform is important to our country and our economy” and that “a functioning border for commerce and immigration” must be prioritized. Support for this sentiment includes 85% Republicans, 91% independent/unaffiliated voters, and 92% Democrats.

Additionally, 82% of all voters support the statement, “The current influx of thousands of migrants at the southern border is an international humanitarian and refugee crisis. Our leaders must work together to find a bipartisan solution to this problem.”

“Amid a backdrop of persistent political partisanship among our representatives at state and national levels, a clear supermajority of Arizona voters is calling for bipartisan solutions,” stated Paul Bentz, Senior Vice President of Research & Strategy at HighGround, who conducted the survey on behalf of CFA. “The national and local impasse among candidates and elected leaders is not reflective of the views of Arizonans who want to reach a consensus on this crucial issue."

Immigration is a unique issue that tangibly impacts Arizona while also rising to the level of national conversation related to policy. More than three-quarters (77%) of Arizona’s voters support long-term, comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship, starkly contrasting the national narrative that insists on dividing the issue along partisan lines.

“Arizonans are tired of division on many issues, including immigration. The vast majority are not receptive to polarizing policies and statements and, as the latest Arizona Voters’ Agenda has revealed, they want leaders to work across the aisle to tackle what they perceive as the most important issue of the moment for the state,” Dr. Francis said. “Not only do voters want to see meaningful progress on immigration challenges, but they understand that the type of progress that is needed requires bipartisan cooperation. This research also shows that two-thirds of likely voters want to elect leaders who share that motivation for working across the aisle to get things done.”

The Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey covered many issues and topics, and some topics did not achieve the agreement levels needed to be included in the resulting Voters’ Agenda. A majority of all likely voters must show a “strong” level of agreement on the issue, and majorities of every political and age segment must show “strong” or “somewhat strong” agreement on the issue. This ensures the Voters’ Agenda truly reflects majority support across all political and generational lines at 50% or above.

Designed to be a valuable resource for moderators, voters, and candidates, informing dialogue and public debate about the issues that matter to the vast majority of Arizona voters in this election, the Voters’ Agenda points to essential questions to ask candidates as they compete for votes, including “Arizonans want progress on immigration. Understanding that immigration policy is not solely determined at the state level, what actions will you advocate for at the federal level?

Get all findings and more questions for candidates at

The rollout of the 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda will continue through May 15. Findings on immigration and housing will be released next week.

About the Arizona Voters’ Agenda Survey
The first of two planned Arizona Voters’ Agenda surveys ahead of the 2024 election was conducted on March 4-11, 2024, with a random sample of 500 people. The poll surveyed likely Arizona 2024 General Election voters with a history of electoral participation and was balanced to model the likely turnout of voters across party, age, region, and gender. The live interview surveys of voters were conducted in English and Spanish by HighGround, Inc. to landline and cell phone users. The partisan advantage was set at +4% GOP based on previous election trends. The margin of error is ±4.3%.

CFA analyzed the statewide survey data to determine which issues make the cut for the Arizona Voters’ Agenda. To ensure a high threshold of agreement, issues meet all the following criteria:

  1. Strong agreement is 50% and above among All Likely Voters
  2. Total agreement (i.e., the sum of somewhat and strong agreement) is 50% and above among every political affiliation (Republican, independent/unaffiliated, and Democratic) and age group (20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-64, 65+) of voters surveyed.

Visit for more details on the initiative and comprehensive survey information.

The Arizona Voters’ Agenda – Immigration

Policy Items

All Voters*

Strongly Support Total Support

Enact comprehensive immigration reform that includes a pathway to citizenship.



Value Statements Strongly Agree Total Agree

Immigration reform is important to our country and our economy. Mexico is Arizona’s largest trade and tourism partner – we must prioritize creating a functioning border for commerce and immigration.



The current influx of thousands of migrants at the southern border is an international humanitarian and refugee crisis. Our leaders must work together to find a bipartisan solution to this problem.



* Political and age group breakdowns are available at

Survey Demographics:

Age Group:
12.0% 20 to 29
16.0% 30 to 39
20.0% 40 to 49
27.0% 50 to 64
25.0% 65 Plus

38.0% Republican
34.0% Democrat
20.0% PND
8.0% Independent/Other
48.0% Male
52.0% female

60.8% Maricopa
15.6% Pima
6.0% Pinal
4.6% Yavapai
3.0% Mohave
10.0% Greater Arizona
Maricopa County:
13.8% Supervisor District 1
13.8% Supervisor District 2
12.0% Supervisor District 3
14.0% Supervisor District 4
  7.2% Supervisor District 5

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda initiative is supported in part by Helios Education Foundation, Pivotal Foundation, Southern Arizona Leadership Council, and Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation.

About Center for the Future of Arizona
Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan "do-tank" that brings Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for our state. Through its survey research & communications, Arizona Progress Meters, and impact initiatives & programs in education, workforce, and civic health, CFA listens to Arizonans to learn what matters most to them, shares trusted data about how Arizona is doing in those priority areas, brings critical issues to public attention, and works with communities and leaders to solve public problems. CFA’s work is focused on building The Arizona We Want –a research-informed vision of success for the state, where all Arizonans, now and in the future, thrive and enjoy sustained prosperity, unmatched quality of life, and real opportunity.

CFA develops the Arizona Voters’ Agenda initiative to put the voices of Arizona voters at the forefront of election dialogue, encourage candidates and media to focus on what Arizonans agree on and care about for our state, and increase voter engagement by building a positive agenda that focuses on outcomes that voters across age and political affiliation want.