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Home News & Events Arizona Voters Agree on Increasing Post-Secondary Attainment and State Investment in Higher Education

Arizona Voters Agree on Increasing Post-Secondary Attainment and State Investment in Higher Education

Overwhelming Support in New Survey Underscores Arizona’s Longstanding Commitment to Building a Highly Educated and Skilled Population
Posted on September 20, 2024 • Category: News Release

Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) today shares an update from its latest 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda survey, with insights into voters' views on education issues. Arizonans are voicing clear ambitions for the future, with overwhelming support for policies that expand access to higher education and strengthen K-12. As the state approaches the 2024 general election, voters agree on concrete actions to meet Arizona’s goals, especially in achieving higher post-secondary attainment rates.

Consistent with CFA’s long-standing research on Arizona's Shared Public Values, the latest findings from the 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda show that voters across political and generational lines overwhelmingly agree that a highly educated and skilled population is vital for Arizona’s long-term success. The data reflect a broad consensus among voters that Arizona must do more to increase post-secondary attainment and prioritize investments in higher education.

“Arizonans are telling us loud and clear that they want a future built on access to quality education and opportunity for all,” said Dr. Sybil Francis, Chair, President & CEO of CFA. “They see post-secondary attainment, supported by a strong K-12 system, as the foundation of that future, and they expect leaders to take decisive action to make it a reality.”

Post-Secondary Attainment: A Critical Goal for Arizona’s Future
Arizona voters are calling for a greater focus on post-secondary attainment. Eighty-five percent of voters agree that the state needs to increase the number of students who pursue and complete education or training beyond high school. This includes 76% of Republicans, 82% of independent and unaffiliated voters, 97% of Democrats, as well as 86% of voters without children under 18 living at home. Voters recognize that higher education—whether through universities, community colleges, or technical schools—is vital to developing the skilled workforce needed for Arizona’s long-term success.

The Arizona Education Progress Meter shows that only 48% of Arizona’s recent high school graduates are enrolling in trade schools, community colleges, and universities the year after graduating, and only 30% are completing a degree or certificate of any kind within 6 years of graduating high school. More broadly, only 48% of working-age Arizonans (25-64) hold a post-secondary credential, well below the statewide goal of 60% by 2030. Achieving this goal is critical for Arizona’s economy, and voters say improving these outcomes must be a top priority.

Strong Support for Higher Education Investments
In the recent Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey, voters also call for increased investment in Arizona’s public universities and community colleges, recognizing that higher education is vital to the state’s success. A resounding 79% of voters support prioritizing state investments in public higher education, including 63% of Republicans, 81% of independent and unaffiliated voters, 95% of Democrats, as well as 81% of voters without children under 18 living at home.

Additionally, 77% favor increasing need-based financial aid to encourage more students to enroll in Arizona's public universities and community colleges. And 66% of voters say that the recent cuts to the state’s need-based financial aid program are the wrong direction for Arizona.

“Arizona’s economy and the prosperity of future generations depend on ensuring our population can meet the demands of our rapidly advancing society,” added Dr. Francis. “Investing in higher education and financial aid to ensure more students complete education after high school is long-term planning for the state – this is ultimately about creating a more skilled, agile workforce and driving economic growth.”

K-12 Education: Building the Foundation for Success
While post-secondary attainment is a top priority, voters also understand that K-12 education is the foundation for future success. Arizonans strongly aspire to improve K-12 education, with 64% of voters—including those without children under 18 living at home—believing the state’s K-12 system should rank in the top 25% nationally. Nationally, Arizona ranks 31st in the 2022 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) for 4th Grade Reading and 33rd in 8th Grade Math among the 50 U.S. States and the District of Columbia, with scores slightly below the national average.

Despite these concerns, there is broad agreement on key policy actions that can strengthen the K-12 system and better prepare students for post-secondary success. One example is dual enrollment, which allows students to earn college credits while still in high school. Ninety-three percent of voters strongly support expanding dual enrollment opportunities, recognizing that early access to higher education significantly increases the likelihood of students enrolling in and completing post-secondary degrees and credentials.

Research shows that students who participate in dual enrollment programs are more likely to go on to higher education. Similarly, increasing need-based financial aid will make it more likely that students can pursue and complete post-secondary education, which voters overwhelmingly want.

“The data clearly show that Arizonans want to see improvements in K-12 education to ensure every student achieves a degree or credential and is ready for success in life and work for the long run,” said Dr. Francis. “It’s critical for leaders to focus on the policies that will drive real progress for all Arizonans and ensure we meet the state’s post-secondary attainment goals. Voters want a comprehensive plan that addresses both K-12 quality and access to education and training beyond high school.”

Critical Questions for Candidates
The Arizona Voters’ Agenda survey also showed that nearly two-thirds of voters (65%) continue to prefer to vote for a candidate based on their “position on the issues” or “clear plans or solutions.”

As voters prepare to head to the polls, the 2024 Arizona Voters' Agenda presents critical questions for candidates and leaders to address and share their plans for education: “How will you expand access and ensure more students enroll in education and training beyond high school?” and “What are your plans for dual enrollment for all students and need-based financial aid programs?”

Find more questions for candidates and resources at

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda – Education*
  All Voters
Policy Items Strongly Support Total Support
Ensure teachers are trained in the most effective approaches to teaching reading. 79% 94%
Ensure every student can access dual enrollment or other early college opportunities to earn college credit while in high school. 78% 93%
Private schools that receive state funding should be held to the same standards as public schools when it comes to financial reporting requirements, academic reporting requirements, and employment standards. 66% 80%
Increase funding for K-12 public education. 63% 79%
*New Findings, September 2024*
Increase the number of students who pursue and complete education or training beyond high school (including university, community college, or technical/trade school). 60% 85%
Increase need-based state financial aid to encourage more students to enroll in Arizona's public universities and community colleges after high school. 56% 77%
Value Statements Strongly Agree Total Agree
Every school should have the resources necessary to deliver quality education that prepares every child for the future, no matter their skin color, background, or zip code. 89% 96%
*New Findings, September 2024*
Our public universities and community colleges are critical to ensuring Arizona’s success now and in the future. State investments in public higher education should be a priority. 53% 79%

*Political and age group breakdowns are available at


Looking Ahead: Announcements from the Arizona Voters’ Agenda
The Arizona Voters’ Agenda provides valuable insights across multiple issue areas. Full results and resources for voters, candidates, and community leaders are available now on CFA’s website. In addition to education issues, CFA will share its assessments on taxes & state spending and additional insights next week. The announcements include:

About the Arizona Voters’ Agenda
CFA develops the Arizona Voters’ Agenda to ensure that voters’ voices are at the forefront of election dialogue, encouraging candidates and the media to focus on the issues where Arizonans agree. By providing trusted data on shared public priorities, CFA aims to foster constructive conversations about Arizona’s future and drive meaningful progress on the issues that matter most to the state’s residents.
To be included in the Voters’ Agenda, a majority of likely voters must show “strong” support for an issue, and majorities of every political and age segment must show “strong” or “somewhat strong” support. This ensures the Voters’ Agenda reflects true majority agreement across political and generational lines, with a threshold of 50% or above. Not all results meet this threshold. The surveys also provide essential insights into voter perceptions that offer additional context.

About the Surveys
The Arizona Voters’ Agenda is based on two public opinion surveys each election cycle. The second and most recent survey was conducted from August 5-13, 2024, among likely voters ahead of the general election. The first survey was conducted in March 2024, before the primary election. Each survey sampled 500 likely Arizona 2024 General Election voters with a history of electoral participation, balanced to model the likely turnout of voters across party, age, region, and gender. HighGround, Inc. conducted live interview surveys of voters in English and Spanish to landline and cell phone users. Based on previous election trends, the partisan advantage was set at +4% GOP. The margin of error is ±4.3%.

About Center for the Future of Arizona
Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan "do-tank" that brings Arizonans together to create a stronger and brighter future for our state. Through its survey research & communications, Arizona Progress Meters, and impact initiatives & programs in education, workforce, and civic health, CFA listens to Arizonans to learn what matters most to them, shares trusted data about how Arizona is doing in those priority areas, brings critical issues to public attention, and works with communities and leaders to solve public problems. The Arizona Voters’ Agenda is part of CFA's ongoing commitment to highlighting Arizona’s shared public values and bringing Arizonans together around a positive agenda based on where we agree on priorities to move the state forward and realize The Arizona We Want.

The 2024 Arizona Voters’ Agenda initiative is supported in part by the Arizona Community Foundation, Helios Education Foundation, Pivotal Foundation, Southern Arizona Leadership Council, and Thomas R. Brown Family Private Foundation.

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Heather Thornton
Senior Director, Strategic Marketing & Communications
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